Near and Dear to Our Hearts

Hey everybody! Today I wanted to share something with you that is very close to our hearts. M has never asked me to share this, but I wanted to show you the work she's been doing. As you may have gathered from snippets here and there, M works at an orphanage in Guadalajara, Mexico. I'm very proud of her & proud to count her as my friend!

As you watch this video, please pray for M and the work there in Mexico.

Awesome, right? So, how can we help?

1. Through prayer
2. Through financial donations (there's a Paypal account set up where you can give)
3. Through other gifts-  for those of you that live near me, I'm planning to send a package to M right around Christmas with clothes and some other little gifts for all the kiddos. Let me know if you'd be interested in sending anything! 

Thanks for taking the time to watch the video & read our post! :)

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Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts- we read everything you leave us!