Happy New Year!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their New Year's weekend!! I'm really excited to see what 2012 is going to bring! How many of you are "resolution" people? I usually don't make a whole lot of resolutions, but this year I set some goals & have planned out some ways to reach them. M and I also have some pretty fun things planned for the blog like: A "Month of Color" challenge, a "30 days, 30 outfits" challenge, more information on things like thrifting and borrowing inspiration, and a few other things we'll let be a surprise!

Personally, I've made goals for my health (make it to the gym at least 3 times per week), music (learn 1 new arranged piece of music for the piano per month), marriage (plan 1 themed date night per month), and personal confidence (go one week without makeup- yikes!!!). I'm looking forward to seeing how all of these things play out, and I'll try to keep everybody updated on how it's going!

Have a happy and safe remainder of your New Year's weekend!


P.S. Here are some pictures of our New Year's celebration. #3 is my favorite!

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